Recommended books and links

If you have questions concerning the content of the recommended links: please adress yourself to their authors!

Gottfried Hutter: Spirituality, theology and psychotherapy
Bert Hellinger: Systemic Familytherapy
Steve De Shazer: Brief Therapy
Frank Farrelly: Provocative Therapy
Link Haim Omer: Autorität durch Beziehung
Holotropic Breathing
Topic Men

Gottfried Hutter:
Spirituality, theology and psychotherapy

    On this homepage you can read the book "Auferstehung vor dem Tod - Therapeutisch arbeiten mit biblischen Texten" by Gottfried Hutter online.
    this adress offers new articles by Gottfried Hutter on "Salvation- new perspectives".

Gottfried Hutter (1994): Auferstehung vor dem Tod - Therapeutisch arbeiten mit biblischen Texten. München: Kösel.


Bert Hellinger:

Gunthard Weber (Hrsg.) (1993): Zweierlei Glück: die systemische Psychotherapie Bert Hellingers. Heidelberg: Carl-Auer-Systeme.


Steve De Shazer:
Brief Therapy

Steve De Shazer (1988): Clues. Investigating Solutions in Brief Therapy. New York: Norton & Company.

Frank Farrelly:
Provocative Therapy

    On this homepage you find two articles by Frank Farrelly and Arnold M. Ludwig:

    I find that Frank Farrelly strengthens the paradigm that both the “patient” and his therapist as well as the whole environment of the patient (family, friends, working colleagues,…) must shift to the vision that healing of his/her/your/our insanity is possible! Like that healing starts with ourselves and spreads out to the others!

Frank Farrelly/Jeffrey M. Brandsma (1974): Provocative Therapy. Cupertino/CA, USA: Meta Publications Inc.

nach oben

Haim Omer:
Autorität durch Beziehung

  • Haim Omer describes how parents and teachers who are confronted with juvenile violence can re-establish a positive relationship with their children by being "present" and by showing gestures of reconsiliation.

Haim Omer, Arist von Schlippe: Autorität durch Beziehung. Die Praxis des gewaltlosen Widerstands in der Erziehung.
Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2004.
ISBN: 3525490771

Holotropic Breathing
Dr. Sylvester Walch offers seminaries for "Transpersonal self-experience and holotropic breathing".

Topic "Men"

Robert Bly: Iron John. A Book About Men. Addison-Wesley.

© Andreas Kürmayr, Vienna 2022,,
last modified 29.06.2023